Thursday, February 7, 2013

The modern day corset

The modern day corset

When you think corsets you might think of underwear or more specifically movies where you see the mother painfully tightening the strings of their daughters corsets (Titanic).  

But corsets have evolved greatly since the 18th century.  They are no longer an oppression instrument and they are making a comeback.  Whilst they have long been enjoyed as an erotic undergarment, they are becoming more increasingly popular as tops worn with jeans, or skirts.  A fashion statement taken up by numerous celebrities around the world.
Charlize Theron
Christina Aguilera

Miley Cyrus
Corsets, now rarely used for waist training and purely for fashion, have become more comfortable with less boning, more versatile and more affordable.  Although there is less boning, the modern day corset still creates the look or some may argue, the illusion of the beautiful hourglass figure, whilst allowing the wearer to still breathe.

So jump on the fashion train today - see the new corsets of today for yourself.  

Images were obtained from